Cook for Your Life In The News | About Us | CFYL @ Fred Hutch

In the News

Nuestro trabajo y el trabajo de nuestra fundadora han sido destacados en numerosos medios de comunicación de prestigio y en importantes sitios de salud. (Esta información se encuentra disponible en inglés).

Right as Rain by UW Medicine

“Protein powders have a space for some people,” Simon says. That’s particularly true if you have a health condition that makes it difficult to ingest certain foods. “What I try…

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“Protein powders have a space for some people,” Simon says. That’s particularly true if you have a health condition that makes it difficult to ingest certain foods. “What I try to do first for most people is to make that smoothie or shake out of real food.”

Eating Well

«What’s more, consumers who tend to buy organic food are more likely to be health-conscious and physically active, which makes it hard to tease out which of these factors contributes…

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«What’s more, consumers who tend to buy organic food are more likely to be health-conscious and physically active, which makes it hard to tease out which of these factors contributes to a lower risk of chronic diseases, including cancer», says Heather Greenlee, N.D., Ph.D., M.P.H., a professor in the Cancer Prevention Program and director at the Cook for Your Life program at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center.

American Cancer Society

“Some studies suggest that eating chocolate can help improve a negative mood, though it’s not entirely clear why. It could be the delicious taste and creamy texture, or it might…

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“Some studies suggest that eating chocolate can help improve a negative mood, though it’s not entirely clear why. It could be the delicious taste and creamy texture, or it might be the phytochemicals in chocolate doing the work,” said Heather Greenlee, ND, PhD, an American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) expert, professor of the Cancer Prevention Program at Fred Hutch Cancer Center, and director of Fred Hutch’s Cook for Your Life program.

Seattle Times

“We’re not just providing facts, we’re providing people with knowledge and resources to implement that information. I’m hoping it can be empowering for patients and families.”…

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“We’re not just providing facts, we’re providing people with knowledge and resources to implement that information. I’m hoping it can be empowering for patients and families.”

Cancer Today

“I believe it is important to stay flexible and be inquisitive, because the doors that open in life may not lead to where you first thought of going. Trust where…

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“I believe it is important to stay flexible and be inquisitive, because the doors that open in life may not lead to where you first thought of going. Trust where the path takes you. You’ll know when it’s right.”

James Beard Book Award

The Cook For Your Life cookbook, is nominated for a James Beard Book Award in the “Focus on Health” category….

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The Cook For Your Life cookbook, is nominated for a James Beard Book Award in the “Focus on Health” category.

Yahoo Food

As soon as Gaffney started teaching, she was hooked: “Seeing people who didn’t think they could cook, and watching their delight at finding out they could, was exhilarating and I…

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As soon as Gaffney started teaching, she was hooked: “Seeing people who didn’t think they could cook, and watching their delight at finding out they could, was exhilarating and I realized I wanted more of that — I wanted to help people.”

Huff Post

“[Cook for Your Life] is aimed at cancer patients — and its direct, even urgent title leads us into contents whose tone is wonderfully warm and kindly, as well as…

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“[Cook for Your Life] is aimed at cancer patients — and its direct, even urgent title leads us into contents whose tone is wonderfully warm and kindly, as well as painstakingly clear in all its directions.”

Cancer Health

«The site features plan-ahead meals so there’s good food when you’re tired, bland but delicious foods for unsettled stomachs and smoothies to ease sore mouths. Mostly, though, it showcases mouthwatering,…

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«The site features plan-ahead meals so there’s good food when you’re tired, bland but delicious foods for unsettled stomachs and smoothies to ease sore mouths. Mostly, though, it showcases mouthwatering, easy-to-follow recipes…»

Science Daily

“Researchers at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health in partnership with the New York City-based, not-for-profit Cook for Your Life initiative have published the results of an intervention designed…

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“Researchers at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health in partnership with the New York City-based, not-for-profit Cook for Your Life initiative have published the results of an intervention designed to provide a diverse and under-represented group of Latina breast cancer survivors with the knowledge and skills needed to change and sustain dietary behaviors.”

CBS News

Cancer survivor and cookbook author Ann Ogden Gaffney says food can help comfort and heal while patients go through treatment. CBS News’ Marlie Hall reports….

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Cancer survivor and cookbook author Ann Ogden Gaffney says food can help comfort and heal while patients go through treatment. CBS News’ Marlie Hall reports.

Wall Street Journal

“…Ms. Clark began volunteering for Ms. Gaffney’s workshops, which were simple and not ‘preachy,’ she says. Instead, they just offered a road map for a ‘sensible way to eat.’”…

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“…Ms. Clark began volunteering for Ms. Gaffney’s workshops, which were simple and not ‘preachy,’ she says. Instead, they just offered a road map for a ‘sensible way to eat.’”


“Change is Good: From High Fashion to Cuisine with Compassion. For former fashion designer and two-time cancer survivor Ann Ogden Gaffney, understanding the difficulties of undergoing cancer treatment led to…

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“Change is Good: From High Fashion to Cuisine with Compassion. For former fashion designer and two-time cancer survivor Ann Ogden Gaffney, understanding the difficulties of undergoing cancer treatment led to a change of course…”


“…This totally-doable-on-a-weeknight recipe from the new book, Cook for Your Life, by Ann Ogden Gaffney, starts with chicken you marinate in mustard and white wine..”…

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“…This totally-doable-on-a-weeknight recipe from the new book, Cook for Your Life, by Ann Ogden Gaffney, starts with chicken you marinate in mustard and white wine..”

Idealist Careers

I wanted Cook for Your Life to give the cancer community the practical knowledge to use cooking as a tool to help them improve their nutrition during treatment, and to…

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I wanted Cook for Your Life to give the cancer community the practical knowledge to use cooking as a tool to help them improve their nutrition during treatment, and to encourage healthy survivorship.

Shelf Awareness

As a two-time cancer survivor, Gaffney understands what is needed before, during and after treatment, including which foods can provide symptom relief, fulfill nutritional needs and allow a sense of…

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As a two-time cancer survivor, Gaffney understands what is needed before, during and after treatment, including which foods can provide symptom relief, fulfill nutritional needs and allow a sense of control during a chaotic time.

Spry Living

“…Now, the avid home cook and “Cook for Your Life” founder is on a mission to spread the soul-sustaining joy of cooking to cancer patients across the nation.”…

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“…Now, the avid home cook and “Cook for Your Life” founder is on a mission to spread the soul-sustaining joy of cooking to cancer patients across the nation.”

Reader’s Digest

Breast Cancer Heroes You’ve Never Heard Of: Ann Ogden, The Healthy Cook….

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Breast Cancer Heroes You’ve Never Heard Of: Ann Ogden, The Healthy Cook.


“A lot of nutritionists would tell patients what to eat, but not show them how to prepare it in an enjoyable way. This was my first ‘ah-ha’ moment—bridging the gap…

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“A lot of nutritionists would tell patients what to eat, but not show them how to prepare it in an enjoyable way. This was my first ‘ah-ha’ moment—bridging the gap between nutritional advice and actual at-home execution,” says Gaffney…”


“The author has experience and understanding how the appetite changes, with taste and smell and even swallowing for patients going through chemotherapy, radiation, even recovering from surgery.”…

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“The author has experience and understanding how the appetite changes, with taste and smell and even swallowing for patients going through chemotherapy, radiation, even recovering from surgery.”

“When my treatment ended, I made my decision to leave fashion and start Cook for Your Life in 2007. CFYL’s mission is to give the cancer community the practical knowledge,…

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“When my treatment ended, I made my decision to leave fashion and start Cook for Your Life in 2007. CFYL’s mission is to give the cancer community the practical knowledge, tools and inspiration to cook their way into a healthy survivorship…”

Columbia University

“Using a culturally based hands-on educational approach, the Cook for Your Life program or ¡Cocinar Para Su Salud! is geared toward Latina breast cancer survivors who are at higher risk…

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“Using a culturally based hands-on educational approach, the Cook for Your Life program or ¡Cocinar Para Su Salud! is geared toward Latina breast cancer survivors who are at higher risk of obesity, low physical activity, and poorer access to quality healthcare.”

Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health

“…the participants increased their number of fruits and vegetables servings to 6.8 per day, well within the American Cancer Society’s recommended 5-9 servings per day to improve clinical outcomes. After…

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“…the participants increased their number of fruits and vegetables servings to 6.8 per day, well within the American Cancer Society’s recommended 5-9 servings per day to improve clinical outcomes. After six months the women in Cook for Your Life had increased the amount of targeted fruits and vegetables by over 2.5 servings a day.”

NY1 News

“I had been diagnosed, but I was okay and so I made a pact with myself that until I was told that I wasn’t going to be okay, that everything…

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“I had been diagnosed, but I was okay and so I made a pact with myself that until I was told that I wasn’t going to be okay, that everything was fine,” Ogden Gaffney said. Ann channeled her positive energy into the kitchen.


“…when my own experience with cancer treatment made me realize just how important having basic knowledge of food and basic cooking skills can be to stay nourished and healthy. This…

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“…when my own experience with cancer treatment made me realize just how important having basic knowledge of food and basic cooking skills can be to stay nourished and healthy. This led me to create Cook for Your LIFE to teach healthy cooking to cancer patients, survivors and caregivers.” Ann Ogden

Aprobadas por una nutricionista diplomada

Nuestras recetas, artículos y videos son revisadas por nuestros dietistas capacitados en oncología para garantizar que todo el contenido esté respaldado con evidencia científica y siga las pautas establecidas por el Oncology Nutrition for Clinical Practice, 2nd Ed., (Nutrición Oncológica para la Práctica Clínica, 2ª Ed.), publicado por el Oncology Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group (Grupo de Práctica Dietética de Nutrición Oncológica), un grupo de interés profesional de la Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (Academia de Nutrición y Dietética), y el American Institute for Cancer Research (Instituto Americano para la Investigación del Cáncer) y la American Cancer Society (Asociación Americana del Cáncer)