Healthy Habits

From tips for cooking through chemotherapy to busting healthy food myths to easy, pantry-friendly meal ideas — our team of experts covers it here.
Maximizing Nutrition on a Soft Diet Image
Healthy Habits

Maximizing Nutrition on a Soft Diet

Many patients face issues with having a sore mouth during cancer treatment, which can lead to them following a soft diet. While soft diets are helpful, they can...

Is it Safe to Drink Coffee?  Image
Food Myths

Is it Safe to Drink Coffee? 

While coffee ranks as one of the most widely consumed beverages globally, there has been much controversy over its health effects.  Years ago, coffee was thought to increase...

The Skinny on Fats Image
Healthy Habits

The Skinny on Fats

Everyone needs fat in their diet. It helps absorb fat-soluble vitamins, gives us energy, insulation, and protection. Although it is easy only to focus our attention on how...

Borscht, Unbelted Image
Global Ingredients

Borscht, Unbelted

All across Eastern Europe, borscht is comfort food that is hearty, nourishing, and festive in color. In Russia, Ukraine, and the Balkans, recipes for borscht abound and can...

No Need To Say No To That Cup Of Joe Image
Healthy Habits

No Need To Say No To That Cup Of Joe

New Research Shows That Coffee Can Be Cancer Protective Previously researched to be a possible carcinogen in 1991, the World Health Organization concluded that coffee is indeed a protective...

Healthy Snacks On The Go Image
Healthy Habits

Healthy Snacks On The Go

Maintaining a healthy diet with a busy schedule can feel bothersome and difficult.  The trick is to never get too hungry by having portable and simple snacks with...

Keeping the Doctor Away: Apples 101 Image
Healthy Habits

Keeping the Doctor Away: Apples 101

Apples are one of the most popular and diverse fruits in the world.  At one point in time, there were over 15,000 different breeds of apples growing in...

Coping, Cooking, and Kids: Part 2 Image
Healthy Habits

Coping, Cooking, and Kids: Part 2

If you’re not feeling well due to the rigors of treatment, cooking, especially with kids, can seem a daunting task. But if you keep things simple and make...

Coping, Cooking, and Kids Image
Healthy Habits

Coping, Cooking, and Kids

Fast Family Feasts Every parent knows that a hungry kid is only a short caloric distance from monster-hood. The only solution is to make food appear on the table...

Cooking for Cancer Patients Image
Healthy Habits

Cooking for Cancer Patients

A time when good nutrition is extremely important, there are a lot of important factors to keep in mind when bringing meals to a loved one with cancer....

Warm Up To Frozen Fruit Image
Healthy Habits

Warm Up To Frozen Fruit

Frozen fruits shouldn’t be overlooked. They are picked at their peak ripeness and flash frozen almost immediately, so we're able to enjoy the best of the season year-round....